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MiLifeStatus team welcomes new PhDs

Christophe Leclerc holds a bachelor degree in European Studies as well as a research master in European Studies from Maastricht University. In his PhD research, he will investigate the relation between citizenship acquisition and immigrants' social well-being, looking more specifically at residential outcomes and health status. Christophe’s research is supervised by Maarten Vink and Hans Schmeets. 

Marie Labussière holds an engineering degree from the French National School of Statistics and Economic Analysis (ENSAE),  and has obtained a Master’s degree in Social Sciences specialized in interdisciplinarity in Paris (École Normale Supérieure / École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales). Her PhD research, supervised by  Prof. dr. Maarten Vink and dr. Mark Levels, analyses the impact of citizenship acquisition on educational outcomes among immigrant descents.













MiLifeStatus has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 682626)

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